ZHCSAK8J December 2003 – June 2022 TPS40054 , TPS40055 , TPS40057
请参考 PDF 数据表获取器件具体的封装图。
Calculate the DC modulator gain (AMOD) from Equation 12:
Calculate the output filter L-CO poles and CO ESR zeros from Equation 13 and Equation 14:
Select the close-loop 0 dB crossover frequency, fC. For this example fC = 20 kHz.
Select the double zero location for the Type III compensation network at the output filter double pole at 4.93 kHz.
Select the double pole location for the Type III compensation network at the output capacitor ESR zero at 73.7 kHz.
The amplifier gain at the crossover frequency of 20 kHz is determined by the reciprocal of the modulator gain AMOD at the crossover frequency from Equation 22:
And also from Equation 22:
Choose R1 = 100 kΩ
The poles and zeros for a type III network are described in Equation 17 through Equation 21.
Calculate the value of RBIAS from Equation 15 with R1 = 100 kΩ.