ZHCS625B DECEMBER 2011 – February 2019 TPS53219A
TPS53219A monitors a resistor divided feedback voltage to detect overvoltage and undervoltage. When the feedback voltage becomes lower than 70% of the target voltage, the UVP comparator output goes high and an internal UVP delay counter begins counting. After 1 ms, TPS53219A latches OFF both high-side and low-side MOSFETs drivers. The controller restarts after a hiccup delay (16 ms with 0.7-ms soft-start). This function is enabled 1.5-ms after the soft-start is completed.
When the feedback voltage becomes higher than 120% of the target voltage, the OVP comparator output goes high and the circuit latches OFF the high-side MOSFET driver and latches ON the low-side MOSFET driver. The output voltage decreases. If the output voltage reaches UV threshold, then both high-side MOSFET and low-side MOSFET driver will be OFF and the device restarts after an hiccup delay. If the OV condition remains, both high-side MOSFET and low-side MOSFET driver remains OFF until the OV condition is removed.