ZHCSFB9B June 2016 – March 2019 TPS63070
The enable pin of the TPS63070 is not just a simple digital input but compares the voltage applied to a fixed threshold of 0.8V for a rising voltage. This allows to drive the pin by a slowly changing voltage and enables the use of an external RC network to achieve a precise power-up delay. The enable input threshold for a falling edge is typically 100mV lower than the rising edge threshold. The TPS63070 starts operation when the rising threshold is exceeded. For proper operation, the EN pin must be terminated and must not be left floating. Pulling the EN pin low forces the device into shutdown. In this mode, the internal high side and low side MOSFETs are turned off and the entire internal-control circuitry is switched off. The enable pin can also be used with an external voltage divider to set a user-defined minimum supply voltage.
It is recommended to not connect EN directly to VIN but use a resistor in series in the range of 1kΩ to 1MΩ. If several inputs like EN and PS/SYNC are connected to VIN, the resistor can be shared. No resistor is required if the pin is driven from an analog or digital signal rather than a supply voltage.