ZHCSKA4B December 2008 – September 2019 TPS737-Q1
The TPS737xx-Q1 uses an NMOS pass transistor to achieve extremely low dropout. When (VIN – VOUT) is less than the dropout voltage (VDO), the NMOS pass device is in its linear region of operation and the input-to-output resistance is the RDS(ON) of the NMOS pass element.
The TPS737xx-Q1 requires a larger voltage drop from VIN to VOUT to avoid degraded transient response for large step changes in load current. The boundary of this transient dropout region is approximately twice the DC dropout. Values of VIN – VOUT above this line ensure normal transient response.
Operating in the transient dropout region can cause an increase in recovery time. The time required to recover from a load transient is a function of the magnitude of the change in load current rate, the rate of change in load current, and the available headroom (VIN to VOUT voltage drop). Under worst-case conditions (full-scale instantaneous load change with (VIN – VOUT) close to DC dropout levels), the TPS737xx-Q1 can take a couple of hundred microseconds to return to the specified regulation accuracy.