ZHCSBU8D October 2013 – April 2018
All LDOs have some overshoot when recovering from dropout, how much is primarily dependent on the transient response (bandwidth) of the error amplifier. Because of design and system level tradeoffs made when creating the TPS7B67xx-Q1, the error amplifier has a slower transient response than many other LDOs, which is evident in the load transient plot in Figure 15. This slower transient response can cause the output to overshoot significantly when the device is recovering from a dropout condition. A well-regulated power supply eliminates this behavior by keeping the TPS7B67xx-Q1 out of dropout. If the device is placed into dropout and the rising VIN ramp rate is less than 200 mV/ms, the overshoot is limited to 0.5 V; however, faster ramp rates result in more overshoot and may require a zener diode on the output to limit the VOUT overshoot.