ZHCSL07C September 2019 – August 2021 TPS8802
To meet the 100-MΩ photoamplifier transconductance requirement, set the gain stage to 35x with PGAIN = 11. Because the application requires sub-nanoamp current detection, reference the photo amplifier to PREF and set PREF_SEL = 1. This reference offsets the input stage output by 50 mV and offsets the gain stage output by 225 mV. Because the application uses PREF, the gain stage amplification reduces to 32.25x. Divide 100 MΩ by 32.25x to get 3.1 MΩ. The gain is distributed across two resistors, therefore use a resistor with a value of approximately 1.55 MΩ. A 1.5-MΩ resistor is selected. The achieved transconductance is 96.8 MΩ. Use 10-pF of compensation capacitance in parallel with the 1.5-MΩ resistors. Use an oscilloscope with averaging to verify the photo amplifier is quickly settling but not overshooting. If the photo amplifier has overshoot, increase the compensation capacitance. If the photo amplifier is settling slowly, decrease the compensation capacitance.