ZHCSK35C March 2019 – March 2021 TPS92682-Q1
If CHxUVEN is set to "1" in the FEN1 Register, the output under voltage fault is enabled. Figure 7-15 shows when VFBx decreases below the UVTHR of 50 mV (typ.), CHx_UV is set high and turns off the associated channel. If the CHxUVFL bit is set to "1" in the FLATEN Regiser, the UV fault is configured as a latched fault and the associated channel turns off and remains off with the rising edge of CHx_UV. The channel can be turned on again only by re-setting the CHxEN bit to "1". For CHxUVFL = 0, the UV fault is a non-latched fault. In this case, the associated channel turns off when a UV fault occurs, but the channel goes through a restart and soft-start ramp when CHx_UV is cleared and the MFT is expired.
The UV fault is disabled during the soft-start ramp if the CHxRFEN bit is set to "0" in the FEN1 Register.