ZHCSK35C March 2019 – March 2021 TPS92682-Q1
The inductor is selected to meet the peak-to-peak inductor current ripple at POUT(MAX). The inductor current ripple, ΔiL-PP, can be obtained from the PR = IL(PK) / IL at POUT(MAX):
In Equation 59, it is important to note that the POUT(MAX) is the maximum output power per phase, 50 W in this design.
The value of ΔiL-PP is calculated for typical input voltage, VIN(TYP). From Equation 39, the inductor L is calculated to be:
L ≥ 17 µH
The value of L = 15 µH is selected for this application.
Ensure that the inductor saturation current rating is greater than 1.1 × IL(PK) = 6.5 A (IL(PK) is calculated with 90% CV BOOST efficiency assumption).