ZHCSPJ0C april 2022 – august 2023 TPSI3050
Note that when supplying power from VDDM, that is when IAUX > 0 mA, additional voltage ripple is present on the VDDM rail. For a given RPXFR setting, this ripple can be reduced by applying additional capacitance from VDDM to VSSS. For this design example, the ripple on VDDM, VDDMripple, computed in the calculator tool is 75 mV.
It is possible to reduce the VDDMripple with the addition of capacitance while still maintaining the original VDDHdroop = 0.5 V. For example, applying CDIV1 = 330 nF and CDIV2 = 680 nF in the calculator tool, reduces VDDMripple to 52 mV, while still maintaining VDDHdroop < 0.5 V. Of course, this additional capacitance leads to increased tSTART times.