10 Revision History
Changes from Revision B (July 2021) to Revision C (December 2024)
- 将器件信息 表更改为封装信息 表Go
- 向数据表中添加了 SOT-23-THN (DYY) 封装Go
- Added Note 2 to the ESD Ratings, IEC Specifications
Changes from Revision A (December 2020) to Revision B (July 2021)
- 更改了应用 列表Go
- Changed the table note for the ESD Ratings, IEC Specifications to make it applicable to all packagesGo
- Changed the thermal information for PW and DB packagesGo
Changes from Revision * (June 2007) to Revision A (December 2020)
- 添加了 ESD 等级、IEC 规格 表、热性能信息 表、典型特性 部分、详细描述 部分、应用和实施 部分、电源相关建议 部分、布局 部分、器件和文档支持 部分以及机械、封装和可订购信息 部分Go
- 删除了订购信息 表Go
- Added the RGT (VQFN-16) package pinout Go
- Added data rate and
tsk(p) rows for the RGT package in Driver Section
Switching Characteristics table Go
- Added tpLH, tpHL, tsk(p) rows for the RGT
package in Reciever Section Switching Characteristics table Go