ZHCSI29B June   2017  – May 2019 TUSB1046A-DCI


  1. 特性
  2. 应用
  3. 说明
    1.     Device Images
      1.      简化电路原理图
      2.      TUSB1046A-DCI 眼图
  4. 修订历史记录
  5. Pin Configuration and Functions
    1.     Pin Functions
  6. Specifications
    1. 6.1  Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 6.2  ESD Ratings
    3. 6.3  Recommended Operating Conditions
    4. 6.4  Thermal Information
    5. 6.5  Power Supply Characteristics
    6. 6.6  DC Electrical Characteristics
    7. 6.7  AC Electrical Characteristics
    8. 6.8  DCI Specific Electrical Characteristics
    9. 6.9  Timing Requirements
    10. 6.10 Switching Characteristics
    11. 6.11 Typical Characteristics
  7. Parameter Measurement Information
  8. Detailed Description
    1. 8.1 Overview
    2. 8.2 Functional Block Diagram
    3. 8.3 Feature Description
      1. 8.3.1 USB 3.1
      2. 8.3.2 DisplayPort
      3. 8.3.3 4-level Inputs
      4. 8.3.4 Receiver Linear Equalization
    4. 8.4 Device Functional Modes
      1. 8.4.1 Device Configuration in GPIO Mode
      2. 8.4.2 Device Configuration In I2C Mode
      3. 8.4.3 DisplayPort Mode
      4. 8.4.4 Linear EQ Configuration
      5. 8.4.5 USB3.1 Modes
      6. 8.4.6 Operation Timing – Power Up
    5. 8.5 Programming
    6. 8.6 Register Maps
      1. 8.6.1 General Register (address = 0x0A) [reset = 00000001]
        1. Table 11. General Registers
      2. 8.6.2 DisplayPort Control/Status Registers (address = 0x10) [reset = 00000000]
        1. Table 12. DisplayPort Control/Status Registers (0x10)
      3. 8.6.3 DisplayPort Control/Status Registers (address = 0x11) [reset = 00000000]
        1. Table 13. DisplayPort Control/Status Registers (0x11)
      4. 8.6.4 DisplayPort Control/Status Registers (address = 0x12) [reset = 00000000]
        1. Table 14. DisplayPort Control/Status Registers (0x12)
      5. 8.6.5 DisplayPort Control/Status Registers (address = 0x13) [reset = 00000000]
        1. Table 15. DisplayPort Control/Status Registers (0x13)
      6. 8.6.6 USB3.1 Control/Status Registers (address = 0x20) [reset = 00000000]
        1. Table 16. USB3.1 Control/Status Registers (0x20)
      7. 8.6.7 USB3.1 Control/Status Registers (address = 0x21) [reset = 00000000]
        1. Table 17. USB3.1 Control/Status Registers (0x21)
      8. 8.6.8 USB3.1 Control/Status Registers (address = 0x22) [reset = 00000100]
        1. Table 18. USB3.1 Control/Status Registers (0x22)
  9. Application and Implementation
    1. 9.1 Application Information
    2. 9.2 Typical Application
      1. 9.2.1 Design Requirements
      2. 9.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure
      3. 9.2.3 Application Curve
    3. 9.3 System Examples
      1. 9.3.1 USB 3.1 Only
      2. 9.3.2 USB 3.1 and 2 Lanes of DisplayPort
      3. 9.3.3 DisplayPort Only
  10. 10Power Supply Recommendations
  11. 11Layout
    1. 11.1 Layout Guidelines
    2. 11.2 Layout Example
  12. 12器件和文档支持
    1. 12.1 相关链接
    2. 12.2 接收文档更新通知
    3. 12.3 社区资源
    4. 12.4 商标
    5. 12.5 静电放电警告
    6. 12.6 术语表
  13. 13机械、封装和可订购信息


机械数据 (封装 | 引脚)
散热焊盘机械数据 (封装 | 引脚)


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