ZHCSXC1 November 2024 TUSB5461-Q1
// (address, data)
// Initial power-on configuration.
(0x0A, 0x11), // EQ_OVERRIDE and USB3.1 default.
(0x1C, 0x83), //Full AEQ enable
(0x10, 0x55), // DP lanes 0 and 1 EQ
(0x11, 0x55), // DP lanes 2 and 2 EQ
(0x20, 0x11), // USB-C Rx1/Rx2 EQ. Not used in Full AEQ
(0x21, 0x05), // SSTX receiver EQ.
// Controls when selecting between USB and DP modes.
If (USBonly_normal)
{ (0x0A,0x11); }
Else if (USBonly_flip)
{ (0x0A, 0x15); }
Else if (Dponly_normal)
{ (0x0A, 0x12); }
Else if (Dponly_flip)
{ (0x0A, 0x16); }
Else if (DPUSB_normal)
{ (0x0A, 0x13); }
Else if (DPUSB_flip)
{ (0x0A,0x17); }
Else // Nothing connected to Type-C
{ (0x0A, 0x10); }