ZHCSJD2A February 2019 – March 2019 TUSB8044A
The upstream of the TUSB8044A is connected to a USB Type-C captive cable. The system VBUS signal from the USB3 Type C plug is fed through a voltage divider. The purpose of the voltage divider is to make sure the system VBUS level meets TUSB8044A USB_VBUS input requirements. The voltage divider in this particular implementation will support up to 11.4V VBUS. If VBUS needs to be greater, then PD controller will need to directly control TUSB8044A USB_VBUS input. The USB-C plug has two pairs of USB 3.2 differential pairs (RX1/TX1 and RX2/TX2). In this particular example, one pair of super speed signals (RX2 and TX2) from Type-C plug is connected to the DP Hub/Retimer/Redriver. The other pair of super speed signals (RX1 and TX2) is routed to the TUSB8044A. The CC1 and VCONN signals from the Type-C plug is connected to the USB PD controller.