DLPU115 January   2022 DLPC3421


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Write Parameters

Table 3-27 describes the command parameters.

Table 3-27 Write Parameters
Parameter BytesDescription
Byte 1Red LED current parameter (LSByte)
Byte 2Red LED current parameter (MSByte)
Byte 3Green LED current parameter (LSByte)
Byte 4Green LED current parameter (MSByte)
Byte 5Blue LED current parameter (LSByte)
Byte 6Blue LED current parameter (MSByte)

When an all-white image is displayed, this command allows the system white point to be adjusted while establishing the total LED power whether the CAIC algorithm is enabled or disabled.

The parameters specified by this command have a resolution of 10 bits, and are defined by the appropriate DLPA200x specification.

When the CAIC algorithm is disabled, this command directly sets the LED currents (the R, G, and B values provided are sent directly to the DLPA200x device) regardless of the image being displayed.

When the CAIC algorithm is enabled:

  • This command directly sets the LED currents when an all-white image is displayed. If the image is changed from an all-white image, depending on the image the CAIC algorithm may alter one or more of the LED currents from those specified by this command, and the total LED power may drop. The Read CAIC RGB LED Current command can read the actual LED currents for the image currently displayed.
  • In the case of an all-white image, the values read by the Read CAIC RGB LED Current command closely match, but may not exactly match, those requested using the Write RGB LED Current command. For an all-white image, the Read CAIC RGB LED Current command gives currents within +/-4 DLPA200x device current steps for each LED color relative to those requested by the Write RGB LED Current command.
  • When the Write RGB LED Current command changes the LED currents, the LED current for any color must not be changed by more than +/-25% from the nominal current used for that color when the CAIC LUTs were created. No LED current can be set to a current value beyond the maximum value supported in the CAIC intensity-to-current LUT for the corresponding color.
  • The maximum total LED power for any displayed image occurs for an all-white image, since the CAIC algorithm requests the CAIC LED maximum available power. The maximum available LED power for the CAIC is controlled by the Write RGB LED Current command, as this command controls currents for an all-white image. After the currents are adjusted, the Read CAIC LED Max Available Power command is used to see the maximum power in watts derived from the CAIC.