SBAA217 July   2016 OPT8241 , OPT8320 , OPT9221


  1.   Lenses for 3D Time-of-Flight (ToF) Image Sensors
    1.     Trademarks
    2. 1 Background
    3. 2 Lens
      1. 2.1 F Number:
      2. 2.2 Transmission Efficiency
    4. 3 Lens Holder
      1. 3.1 Thread
      2. 3.2 Back Focal Length
      3. 3.3 Centering
    5. 4 Summary

F Number:

The F number is the ratio of the focal length (f) to the aperture (A). This is a common way of specifying the aperture of the lens.

Equation 2. F number = Focal length / Aperture

The pixel light collection power scales as a second power of the F number. It is important to have a very low F number to get the largest aperture possible.

The low F number has other side effects to account for. Low F number lenses have a very narrow depth-of-field owing to the large aperture sizes. Depth-of-field is the range of distances over which the camera appears to be in focus. The lens depth-of-field must be carefully designed considering the application for the camera. The limits of lens depth-of-field should match or exceed the minimum and maximum distance requirements of the final cameras that the lens would be used in. Depth-of-field increases as the pixel size increases. TI's 3D ToF sensors have pixel sizes larger than usual RGB camera sensors. Owing to the larger pixel size, the OPT8241 will have a very wide depth-of-field compared to a typical RGB camera for the same lens.