SFFS142 December 2021 TCAN1167-Q1
For each failure mode of a fundamental design element, a determination should be made as to whether the failure is safe or dangerous. Safe failures do not result in a loss of the safety function or violation of a safety goal (this can include failure to perform the safety function so long as the design fails into the pre-defined safe state). Dangerous failures result in a loss of safety function or violation of a safety goal.
The usage the ratio safe versus dangerous failures varies based on the system's utilization of the hardware. In many systems, it is not feasible for the system integrator to prove the safe versus dangerous ratio due to technical complexity, design visibility and the time necessary for exhaustive testing. To manage this concern, a probabilistic approach can be taken, in which a ratio of safe versus dangerous failures is estimated. Many standards suggest that this ratio can be set to 50% safe and 50% dangerous if no detailed data is available. TI has conservatively used a 50% safe failure estimate for transient faults of the SRAM, digital logic, and Flash memory. All other faults are considered to be 0% safe. The user may alter these assumptions to meet their specific use case. These selections will impact the "Safety related FIT" for permanent, transient, and package.