SFFS594A December   2023  – November 2024 TPSI3100 , TPSI3100-Q1


  1.   1
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Overview
  4. 2Functional Safety Failure In Time (FIT) Rates
  5. 3Failure Mode Distribution (FMD)
  6. 4Pin Failure Mode Analysis (Pin FMA)
  7. 5Revision History

Pin Failure Mode Analysis (Pin FMA)

This section provides a failure mode analysis (FMA) for the pins of the TPSI310x-Q1, TPSI311x-Q1, TPSI312x-Q1, and TPSI3133-Q1 family and the TPSI310x, TPSI311x, TPSI312x, and TPSI3133 family. The failure modes covered in this document include the typical pin-by-pin failure scenarios:

  • Pin short-circuited to VSSP or VSSS (see Table 4-2)
  • Pin open-circuited (see Table 4-3)
  • Pin short-circuited to an adjacent pin (see Table 4-4)
  • Pin short-circuited to VDDP (see Table 4-5)

Table 4-2 through Table 4-5 also indicate how these pin conditions can affect the device as per the failure effects classification in Table 4-2.

Table 4-1 TI Classification of Failure Effects
ClassFailure Effects
APotential device damage that affects functionality.
BNo device damage, but loss of functionality.
CNo device damage, but performance degradation.
DNo device damage, no impact to functionality or performance.

Figure 4-1 shows the TPSI310x-Q1 and TPSI310x pin diagram. For a detailed description of the device pins please refer to the Pin Configuration and Functions section in the data sheets.

TPSI3100-Q1 TPSI3100 Pin Diagram Figure 4-1 Pin Diagram

Following are the assumptions of use and the device configuration assumed for the pin FMA in this section:

  • Device in normal operation prior to any open or short condition being applied to the respective pin
  • EN set to a static logic low or high (VDRV asserted low or high, respectively)
  • CE set to a static logic low or high.
  • Opens or shorts occur relative to primary and secondary sides of the device and is a static event
Table 4-2 Pin FMA for Device Pins Short-Circuited to VSSP or VSSS
Pin Name Pin No. Ground Description of Potential Failure Effects Failure Effect Class
EN 1 VSSP VDRV asserted low. B
CE 2 VSSP Device in standby. No power transfer. VDDH and VDDM rail discharge. VDRV asserted low with active clamp enabled. B
VDDP 4 VSSP No power transfer. VDDH and VDDM rail collapse. VDRV asserted low with active clamp enabled. B
PGOOD 5 VSSP PGOOD asserted low. If PGOOD not used, tie to VSSP. B
FLT1 6 VSSP FLT1 asserted low. If FLT1 not used, tie to VSSP. B
ALM1 7 VSSP ALM1 asserted low. If ALM1 not used, tie to VSSP. B
RESP 10 VSSS Comparator deglitch is set to minimum value which can be less than the application requirements. C
ALM1_CMP 11 VSSS ALM1 open-drain output is high-impedance. If ALM1_CMP not used, tie to VSSS. B
FLT1_CMP 12 VSSS FLT1 open-drain output is high-impedance. If FLT1_CMP not used, tie to VSSS. B
VDDM 13 VSSS VDDH and VDDM rail collapse. VDRV asserted low with active clamp enabled. B
VDDH 15 VSSS VDDH and VDDM rail collapse. VDRV asserted low with active clamp enabled. B
VDRV 16 VSSS If VDRV is high, VDDH and VDDM rail collapse. VDRV asserts low with active clamp enabled. If VDRV is low, no effect. B
Table 4-3 Pin FMA for Device Pins Open-Circuited
Pin NamePin No.Description of Potential Failure EffectsFailure Effect Class
EN1VDRV asserted low. EN pin has an internal resistive pulldown to VSSP.B
CE 2 Device powers off. VDDH and VDDM rails discharge. VDRV asserted low. CE pin has an internal resistive pulldown to VSSP. B
VSSP 3 Device has additional ground path through pin 8 (VSSP). C
VDDP4No power transfer. VDDH and VDDM rail collapse. VDRV asserted low with active clamp enabled.B
PGOOD 5 If PGOOD unused, no effect. If PGOOD used, PGOOD asserted high is indicated to the system regardless of actual status. B
FLT1 6 If FLT1 unused, no effect. If FLT1 used, and pullup resistor still connected to system, FLT1 asserted high is indicated to the system regardless of actual status of FLT1_CMP comparator output. B
ALM1 7 If ALM1 unused, no effect. If ALM1 used, and pullup resistor still connected to system, ALM1 asserted high is indicated to the system regardless of actual status of ALM1_CMP comparator output. B
VSSP 8 Device has additional ground path through pin 3 (VSSP). C
VSSS 9 Device has ground path through pin 14 (VSSS). Normal power transfer. VDDH and VDDM rails remain charged. VDRV follows state of EN logic level. C
RESP 10 Comparator deglitch is set to maximum value which can be more than the application requirements. B
ALM1_CMP 11 ALM1_CMP pin has a weak internal resistive pulldown to VSSS and can be susceptible to switching noise causing false alarm indications. If ALM1_CMP not used, tie to VSSS B
FLT1_CMP 12 FLT1_CMP pin has a weak internal resistive pulldown to VSSS and can be susceptible to switching noise causing false alarm indications. If FLT1_CMP not used, tie to VSSS B
VDDM 13 VDDH and VDDM can collapse under loading or switching events. B
VSSS 14 Device has ground path through pin 9 (VSSS). Normal power transfer. VDDH and VDDM rails remain charged. VDRV follows state of EN logic level. C
VDDH 15 VDDH can collapse under loading or switching events. B
VDRV16No drive to external switch. External switch gate control can float dependent upon application circuitry.B
Table 4-4 Pin FMA for Device Pins Short-Circuited to Adjacent Pin
Pin NamePin No.Shorted toDescription of Potential Failure EffectsFailure Effect Class
VDRV 16 VDDH If VDRV was low, VDDH and VDDM rail collapse. VDRV remains low with active clamp enabled. If VDRV was high, no effect. B
FLT1_CMP 12 VDDM If strength of signal driving FLT1_CMP is high, VDDM and VDDH rails can collapse, and VDRV is asserted low. Power transfer continues, although at a much lower amount. If strength of signal driving FLT1_CMP is weak, FLT1_CMP comparator threshold can be reached causing VDRV to be asserted low. B
FLT1_CMP 12 ALM1_CMP FLT1_CMP comparator threshold can be reached causing VDRV to be asserted low, along with FLT1 asserting low. Similarly, if ALM1_CMP threshold is reached, ALM1 asserts low. B
ALM1_CMP 11 RESP Depending on strength of signal driving ALM1_CMP, ALM1_CMP threshold cannot be reached, and no ALM1 events occur. Deglitch of comparators can increase or decrease depending on strength of signal driving ALM1_CMP. B
EN1CEEN can be tied to CE in the application if desired. D
PGOOD 5 FLT1 Electrical ORing of PGOOD and FLT1open-drain outputs. All status indicators can be tied in the application if desired. D
FLT1 6 ALM1 Electrical ORing of FLT1 and ALM1open-drain outputs. All status indicators can be tied in the application if desired. D
Table 4-5 Pin FMA for Device Pins Short-Circuited to VDDP
Pin NamePin No.Description of Potential Failure EffectsFailure Effect Class
EN1EN can be tied to VDDP in the application if desired. D
CE 2 CE can be tied to VDDP in the application if desired. Device powers up depending on voltage level of VDDP. D
PGOOD 5 Potential high current from VDDP while PGOOD is asserted low. Device can thermal cycle or can be damaged. A
FLT1 6 Potential high current from VDDP while FLT1 is asserted low. Device can thermal cycle or can be damaged. A
ALM1 7 Potential high current from VDDP while ALM1 is asserted low. Device can thermal cycle or can be damaged. A