SLAA833A May 2018 – October 2019 MSP430FR2353 , MSP430FR2355
All MSP430 FRAM MCUs support a driver library (DriverLib) to help users accelerate firmware development. The MSP430 driver library is a high-level easy-to-use abstracted programming interface, which keeps users above the bits and bytes of MSP430 hardware registers by providing simple function calls for every peripheral. This helps users spend less time learning and more time innovating with MSP430 MCUs. Some MSP430 MCUs like MSP430FR2355 include a complete peripheral driver library fully integrated into the ROM memory. Developers can leverage the ROM-based driver library for more benefits including single-cycle ROM execution at higher CPU clock frequency and saving FRAM space for additional application code.
More than twenty API functions are available for the SAC module. These API functions are provided to initialize the SAC, enable the SAC, disable the SAC, set the SAC operation mode, configure the DAC, select the DAC reference, select the power mode, and so on. Each API function is fully tested and documented. The FRAM-based driver library is completely open source, which can help developers understand what is happening beneath the abstraction layer. Developers can access the ROM-based APIs by adding the driver library header file to their projects and linking to the attribute library. This application report describes how to use SAC with driver library. For more information on SAC API functions, see the MSP430 DriverLib for MSP430FR2xx_4xx Devices User's Guide (available from the "Get Software" link on the MSP Driver Library page).