SLAAE65 October   2022 DS160PR412 , DS160PR421 , TMUXHS4412


  1.   Abstract
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Introduction
  4. 2When Redriver or Passive MUX is Needed?
    1. 2.1 When to use a Redriver
    2. 2.2 When to use a Multiplexer
  5. 3Test Setup and Procedure
    1. 3.1 Test Board Configuration
    2. 3.2 Test Setup
    3. 3.3 Test Procedure
    4. 3.4 Test Report
      1. 3.4.1 Test Summary
  6. 4Summary

When to use a Multiplexer

For eight-lane PCIe multiplexing applications, a topology is illustrated where two DS160PR412 and two DS160PR421 devices are used. There are system use cases where the PCIe link loss is low enough (< 28 db) that a signal conditioner such as linear redrivers are not needed. In such use cases, system engineers can consider passive multiplexers to achieve the same lane multiplexing topology. The four-channel passive multiplexer or demultiplexer TMUXHS4412 is pin-to-pin (p2p) compatible with the DS160PR412 and DS160PR421. This p2p component availability provides great flexibility for system implementation engineers where the need for a redriver is not completely clear. Figure 2-2 illustrates p2p passive MUX vs redriver option to implement PCIe lane switching.

GUID-20220928-SS0I-ZFF6-STSW-9TPCWLTCZJH2-low.pngFigure 2-2 Pin-to-Pin Passive vs Redriver Option for PCIe Lane Switching