SLAU358Q September 2011 – October 2019
Serialization implemented in the MSP-GANG creates a unique serial number (SN) or MAC address and saves it in the flash, FRAM, or dedicated MAC register in the target device. The SN or MAC address is new every time a new target device is programmed. The SN or MAC number can be generated automatically (incremented from the last number) or read from an external file every time before pressing the GO button.
To enable serialization, select ENABLE Serialization in the Serialization screen (see Figure 2-17). Specify the log file name where the all programmed SN and MAC numbers are saved. The SN or MAC number can be saved in any flash or FRAM location as specified in the Start Address in Memory field (see Figure 2-17). The address must be even, and the Used size in bytes (the size of the SN or MAC number) must also be an even number of bytes. The In Memory Format section specifies if the SN or MAC number is written LSB first or MSB first.
If the In Memory Format option is HEX (MSB First), the SN is saved to flash memory starting from the specified address (0x10000) as follows:
12 34 56 78 9A BC DE EF
If the In Memory Format option is HEX (LSB First), the SN is saved to flash memory as follows:
EF DE BC 9A 78 56 34 12
In the report window and log file, the SN is always displayed in the same order as it is saved in memory starting from the lowest address to the highest. In this case, if the SN is saved in memory as MSB first, then the displayed SN in the report window, log file, and Serialization screen (see Figure 2-17) are the same.
If the SN or MAC number is generated automatically (the Defined Number option is selected), the number is generated starting with the value in the Number starting from field and incremented as specified in the Increment field. All numbers must be specified in hex format. When the target are programmed with the new numbers, the value in Number starting from is automatically updated and saved in the configuration for use in the next session. The user is responsible for tracking whether or not a particular SN or MAC number has been used. The programmer only applies the values set by the user.
When the Number from the file option is selected, up to 8 numbers (SN or MAC) must be in the user-specified file, which must have an extension of .txt. The file can contain up to 8 numbers that will be applied in the next programming session. The file must be saved and valid before the GO button is pressed. If additional targets are to be programmed, the file must be updated with the new number list. The following list is an example of the contents of the SN or MAC number file:
01 0A A3 B4 32 35 65 23
01 0A A3 B4 32 35 65 24
01 0A A3 B4 32 35 65 25
01 0A A3 B4 32 35 65 26
01 0A A3 B4 32 35 65 27
01 0A A3 B4 32 35 65 28
01 0A A3 B4 32 35 65 29
01 0A A3 B4 32 35 65 2A
The preceding example lists numbers that would be programmed to 8 target devices using a size of 8 bytes each. These hex numbers can represent integer values or ASCII text, depending on the application. In the case of ASCII, the text must be converted to hex in the file.
After a set of 8 targets is programmed, the user must update the file (the same file name) with new values. The following example lists a new set of 8 values:
01 0A A3 B4 32 35 65 2B
01 0A A3 B4 32 35 65 2C
01 0A A3 B4 32 35 65 2D
01 0A A3 B4 32 35 65 2E
01 0A A3 B4 32 35 65 2F
01 0A A3 B4 32 35 65 30
01 0A A3 B4 32 35 65 31
01 0A A3 B4 32 35 65 32
The programmer writes the numbers as provided to the specified flash or FRAM location. The provided numbers must be the same size (in bytes) as specified in the Used size in bytes option (see Figure 2-17).
The SN or MAC number can be also saved to a dedicated register, if available on the target MCU; for example, in the MSP432E4xx MCUs. In this case, select the MAC in Fixed location option. The address for the MAC number is hardcoded and displayed (read only and grayed out) for user review in the Start Address in Memory field (see Figure 2-17).
If the SN or MAC number is saved to flash or FRAM, the same address cannot be used by the program code (specified in the code file). The programmer will display a warning if it detects a conflict between address of the SN or MAC number and code. If the linker requires that the code file fill the SN or MAC number location with a dummy value, select the Remove code contents in the location where the Unique Number is defined option to overwrite this location with the correct SN or MAC number.
If location specified for the SN or MAC number is not empty (all 0xFF), the SN or MAC number is not written to the target. If the programmer detects any value other that 0xFF, the existing value is restored and the new SN or MAC number is ignored. This process keeps an existing SN or MAC number in the target if the number was already programmed. To overwrite an existing value, erase the device memory before programming.
The MSP-GANG does not erase the existing SN or MAC number if the erase all memory option is used. The old SN or MAC number is restored after the erase, the same way that the defined retained bytes are restored.
The SN or MAC number can be erased; for example, if serialization is disabled. After erasing, the SN or MAC number location can be used as regular memory.