SLAU367P October 2012 – April 2020 MSP430FR5041 , MSP430FR5043 , MSP430FR50431 , MSP430FR5847 , MSP430FR58471 , MSP430FR5848 , MSP430FR5849 , MSP430FR5857 , MSP430FR5858 , MSP430FR5859 , MSP430FR5867 , MSP430FR58671 , MSP430FR5868 , MSP430FR5869 , MSP430FR5870 , MSP430FR5872 , MSP430FR58721 , MSP430FR5887 , MSP430FR5888 , MSP430FR5889 , MSP430FR58891 , MSP430FR5922 , MSP430FR59221 , MSP430FR5947 , MSP430FR59471 , MSP430FR5948 , MSP430FR5949 , MSP430FR5957 , MSP430FR5958 , MSP430FR5959 , MSP430FR5962 , MSP430FR5964 , MSP430FR5967 , MSP430FR5968 , MSP430FR5969 , MSP430FR5969-SP , MSP430FR59691 , MSP430FR5970 , MSP430FR5972 , MSP430FR59721 , MSP430FR5986 , MSP430FR5987 , MSP430FR5988 , MSP430FR5989 , MSP430FR5989-EP , MSP430FR59891 , MSP430FR5992 , MSP430FR5994 , MSP430FR59941 , MSP430FR6005 , MSP430FR6007 , MSP430FR6035 , MSP430FR6037 , MSP430FR60371 , MSP430FR6041 , MSP430FR6043 , MSP430FR60431 , MSP430FR6045 , MSP430FR6047 , MSP430FR60471 , MSP430FR6820 , MSP430FR6822 , MSP430FR68221 , MSP430FR6870 , MSP430FR6872 , MSP430FR68721 , MSP430FR6877 , MSP430FR6879 , MSP430FR68791 , MSP430FR6887 , MSP430FR6888 , MSP430FR6889 , MSP430FR68891 , MSP430FR6920 , MSP430FR6922 , MSP430FR69221 , MSP430FR6927 , MSP430FR69271 , MSP430FR6928 , MSP430FR6970 , MSP430FR6972 , MSP430FR69721 , MSP430FR6977 , MSP430FR6979 , MSP430FR69791 , MSP430FR6987 , MSP430FR6988 , MSP430FR6989 , MSP430FR69891
The timer clock can be sourced from ACLK, SMCLK, or externally from TAxCLK or INCLK. The clock source is selected with the TASSEL bits. The selected clock source may be passed directly to the timer or divided by 2, 4, or 8, using the ID bits. The selected clock source can be further divided by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 using the TAIDEX bits. The timer clock divider logic is reset when TACLR is set.
Timer_A dividers
After programming ID or TAIDEX bits, set the TACLR bit. This clears the contents of TAxR and resets the clock divider logic to a defined state. The clock dividers are implemented as down counters. Therefore, when the TACLR bit is cleared, the timer clock immediately begins clocking at the first rising edge of the Timer_A clock source selected with the TASSEL bits and continues clocking at the divider settings set by the ID and TAIDEX bits.