SLAU723A October 2017 – October 2018 MSP432E401Y , MSP432E411Y
Basic Mode allows the CAN Controller to be operated without the Message RAM. In Basic Mode, The CANIF1 registers are used as the transmit buffer. The transmission of the contents of the IF1 registers is requested by setting the BUSY bit of the CANIF1CRQ register. The CANIF1 registers are locked while the BUSY bit is set. The BUSY bit indicates that a transmission is pending. As soon the CAN bus is idle, the CANIF1 registers are loaded into the shift register of the CAN Controller and transmission is started. When the transmission has completed, the BUSY bit is cleared and the locked CANIF1 registers are released. A pending transmission can be aborted at any time by clearing the BUSY bit in the CANIF1CRQ register while the CANIF1 registers are locked. If the CPU has cleared the BUSY bit, a possible retransmission in case of lost arbitration or an error is disabled.
The CANIF2 Registers are used as a receive buffer. After the reception of a message, the contents of the shift register are stored in the CANIF2 registers, without any acceptance filtering. Additionally, the actual contents of the shift register can be monitored during the message transfer. Each time a read message object is initiated by setting the BUSY bit of the CANIF2CRQ register, the contents of the shift register are stored into the CANIF2 registers.
In Basic Mode, all message-object-related control and status bits and of the control bits of the CANIFnCMSK registers are not evaluated. The message number of the CANIFnCRQ registers is also not evaluated. In the CANIF2MCTL register, the NEWDAT and MSGLST bits retain their function, the DLC[3:0] field shows the received DLC, the other control bits are cleared.
Basic Mode is enabled by setting the BASIC bit in the CANTST register.