SLAU723A October 2017 – October 2018 MSP432E401Y , MSP432E411Y
The µDMA can be used to achieve maximum transfer rates on the EPI through the NBRFIFO and the WFIFO. The µDMA has one channel for write and one for read. For writes, the EPI DMA Transmit Count (EPIDMATXCNT) register is programmed with the total number of transfers by the µDMA. An equivalent value is programmed into the DMA Channel Control Word (DMACHCTL) register of the uDMA at offset 0x008. A µDMA request is asserted by the EPI WRFIFO when the TXCNT value of the EPIDMATXCNT register is greater than zero and the WTAV bit field of the EPIWFIFOCNT register is less than the programmed threshold trigger, WRFIFO, of the EPIFIFOLVL register. The write channel continues to write data until the TXCNT value in the EPIDMATXCNT register is zero.
When the WRFIFO bit in the EPIFIFOLVL register is set to 0x4 and the application bursts four words to an empty FIFO, the WRFIFO trigger may or may not deassert depending on if all four words were written to the WRFIFO or if the first word was passed immediately to the function requiring it. Thus, the application may not see the WRRIS bit in the EPIRIS register clear on a burst of four words.
The nonblocking read channel copies values from the NBRFIFO when the NBRFIFO is at the level specified by the EPIFIFOLVL register. For nonblocking reads, the start address, the size per transaction, and the count of elements must be programmed in the µDMA. Both nonblocking read register sets can be used, and they fill the NBRFIFO such that one runs to completion, then the next one starts (they do not interleave). Using the NBRFIFO provides the best possible transfer rate.
For blocking reads, the µDMA software channel (or another unused channel) is used for memory-to-memory transfers (or memory to peripheral, where some other peripheral is used). In this situation, the µDMA stalls until the read is complete and is not able to service another channel until the read is done. As a result, the arbitration size should normally be programmed to one access at a time. The µDMA controller can also transfer from and to the NBRFIFO and the WFIFO using the µDMA software channel in memory mode, however, the µDMA is stalled once the NBRFIFO is empty or the WFIFO is full. When the µDMA controller is stalled, the core continues operation. For more information on configuring the µDMA, see Section 8.
The size of the FIFOs must be taken into consideration when configuring the µDMA to transfer data to and from the EPI. The arbitration size should be 4 or less when writing to EPI address space and 8 or less when reading from EPI address space.