SLAU723A October 2017 – October 2018 MSP432E401Y , MSP432E411Y
The output control block performs the final conditioning of the pwmA' and pwmB' signals before they are output on the pins as the MnPWMn signals. Through a single register, the PWM Output Enable (PWNENABLE) register, the set of PWM signals that are actually enabled to the pins can be modified. This function can be used, for example, to perform commutation of a brushless DC motor with a single register write (and without modifying the individual PWM generators, which are modified by the feedback control loop). In addition, the updating of the bits in the PWMENABLE register can be configured to be immediate or locally or globally synchronized to the next synchronous update using the PWM Enable Update (PWMENUPD) register.
During fault conditions, the PWM output signals, MnPWMn, usually must be driven to safe values so that external equipment may be safely controlled. The PWMFAULT register specifies whether during a fault condition, the generated signal continues to be passed driven or to an encoding specified in the PWMFAULTVAL register.
A final inversion can be applied to any of the MnPWMn signals, making them active Low instead of the default active High using the PWM Output Inversion (PWMINVERT). The inversion is applied even if a value has been enabled in the PWMFAULT register and specified in the PWMFAULTVAL register. In other words, if a bit is set in the PWMFAULT, PWMFAULTVAL, and PWMINVERT registers, the output on the MnPWMn signal is 0, not 1 as specified in the PWMFAULTVAL register.