SLAU723A October 2017 – October 2018 MSP432E401Y , MSP432E411Y
The TX DMA expects that the data buffers contain complete Ethernet frames, excluding preamble, pad bytes, and Frame Check Sequence (FCS) fields. The Destination Address (DA), Source Address (SA), and Type/Length fields must contain valid data. If the Transmit Descriptor indicates that the MAC must disable CRC or PAD insertion, the buffer must have complete Ethernet frames (excluding preamble), including the CRC bytes. Frames can be data-chained and can span several buffers. Frames must be delimited by the First Segment Descriptor and the Last Segment Descriptor, respectively. The First Descriptor bit is located at TDES0[28] and the Last Descriptor is located at TDES0[29].
As transmission starts, the First Descriptor must have TDES0[28] set. When this occurs, frame data transfers from the host memory buffer to the TX FIFO. Concurrently, if the current frame has the Last Segment Descriptor (TDES0[29]) clear, the transmit process attempts to acquire the next descriptor. The transmit process expects this descriptor to have TDES0[28] clear. If TDES0[29] is clear, it indicates an intermediary buffer. If TDES0[29] is set, it indicates the last buffer of the frame. After the last buffer of the frame has been transmitted, the DMA writes back the final status information to the Transmit Descriptor word of the descriptor that has the last segment bit set in Transmit Descriptor. At this time, if Interrupt on Completion (IC) bit is set, the TI bit in the EMACDMARIS register is set, the next descriptor is fetched and the process repeats.
The actual frame transmission begins after the TX FIFO has reached either the transmit threshold as configured by the TTC bit field of the EMACDMAOPMODE register, or a full frame is contained in the TX FIFO. To wait until there is a full frame in the TX FIFO the TSF bit in the EMACDMAOPMODE register must be set. Descriptors are released (OWN bit in the TDES0[31] cleared) when the DMA finishes transferring the frame.
To ensure proper transmission of a frame and the next frame, the transmit descriptor that has the Last Descriptor bit (TDES0[29]) set, must specify a non-zero buffer size.