I2C communication is possible only when the EN pin is set high. To enable the DRV2625 and allow external I2C control, follow the instructions below.
- Enter Additional Hardware Modes.
- Select Mode 0 (00000’b) using the increment mode button (+).
- B1 – Select the on-board ERM
- B2 – Select the on-board LRA
- B3 – Trigger Select (1 = Internal Trigger, 2 = Ext. Edge, 3 = Ext. Level)
- B4 – Trigger the waveform sequence using the MSP430.
- Choose either the on-board ERM or LRA using buttons B1 or B2. Either button sets the EN pin high and turns on the Active LED.
- Begin controlling the DRV2625 using the external I2C source.