SLUUAQ3A April 2016 – October 2022 BQ4050
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit | Description |
Gas Gauging | CEDV Smoothing Config | Smoothing Start Voltage | I2 | 0 | 4300 | 3700 | mV | Sets the voltage from where smoothing will start |
Gas Gauging | CEDV Smoothing Config | Smoothing Delta Voltage | I2 | 0 | 4200 | 100 | mV | Sets the delta voltage for smoothing |
Gas Gauging | CEDV Smoothing Config | Max Smoothing Current | U2 | 0 | 65535 | 8000 | mA | Sets the max current for smoothing |
Gas Gauging | CEDV Smoothing Config | EOC Smooth Current | U1 | 0 | 10 | 2 | % | Sets the End Of Charge Smoothing current |
Gas Gauging | CEDV Smoothing Config | EOC Smooth Current Time | U1 | 0 | 255 | 60 | s | Sets the End Of Charge Smoothing time |