SLUUCD5 January 2023 BQ27427
This read-word function returns the contents of the fuel gauging status register, depicting the current operating status.
Bit 7 | Bit 6 | Bit 5 | Bit 4 | Bit 3 | Bit 2 | Bit 1 | Bit 0 | |
High Byte | OT | UT | RSVD | RSVD | RSVD | RSVD | FC | CHG |
High Byte | |
OT = | Over-Temperature condition is detected. [OT] is set when Temperature() ≥ Over Temp (default = 55°C). [OT] is cleared when Temperature() < Over Temp – Temp Hys. |
UT = | Under-Temperature condition is detected. [UT] is set when Temperature() ≤ Under Temp (default = 0°C). [UT] is cleared when Temperature() > Under Temp + Temp Hys. |
RSVD = | Bits 5:2 are reserved. |
FC = | Full charge is detected. If the FC Set% is a positive threshold, [FC] is set when SOC ≥ FC Set % and is cleared when SOC ≤ FC Clear % (default = 98%). By default, FC Set% = –1, therefore [FC] is set when the fuel gauge has detected charge termination. |
CHG = | Fast charging allowed. If SOC changes from 98% to 99% during charging, the [CHG] bit is cleared. The [CHG] bit will become set again when SOC ≤ 95%. |
Low Byte | |
OCVTAKEN = | Cleared on entry to RELAXATION mode and set to 1 when OCV measurement is performed in RELAXATION mode. |
DOD Correct = | This indicates that DOD correction is being applied. |
ITPOR = | Indicates a POR or RESET subcommand has occurred. If set, this bit generally indicates that the RAM configuration registers have been reset to default values and the host should reload the configuration parameters using the CONFIG UPDATE mode. This bit is cleared after the SOFT_RESET subcommand is received. |
CFGUPMODE = | Fuel gauge is in CONFIG UPDATE mode. True when set. Default is 0. Refer to GUID-F57C38FB-6E73-49C5-BB85-7616C5F2E440.html#GUID-F57C38FB-6E73-49C5-BB85-7616C5F2E440 for details. |
BAT_DET = | Battery insertion detected. True when set. When OpConfig [BIE] is set, [BAT_DET] is set by detecting a logic high-to-low transition at the BIN pin. When OpConfig [BIE] is low, [BAT_DET] is set when host issues the BAT_INSERT subcommand and is cleared when host issues the BAT_REMOVE subcommand. Gauge predictions are not valid unless [BAT_DET] is set. |
SOC1 = | If set, StateOfCharge() ≤ SOC1 Set Threshold. The [SOC1] bit will remain set until StateOfCharge() ≥ SOC1 Clear Threshold. |
SOCF = | If set, StateOfCharge() ≤ SOCF Set Threshold. The [SOCF] bit will remain set until StateOfCharge() ≥ SOCF Clear Threshold. |
DSG = | Discharging detected. True when set. |