SLUUCD5 January 2023 BQ27427
Issuing a Control() command requires a subsequent 2-byte subcommand. These additional bytes specify the particular control function desired. The Control() command allows the system to control specific features of the fuel gauge during normal operation and additional features when the device is in different access modes, as described in Control() Subcommands.
CNTL Function | CNTL Data | SEALED Access | Description |
CONTROL_STATUS | 0x0000 | Yes | Reports the status of device. |
DEVICE_TYPE | 0x0001 | Yes | Reports the device type. |
FW_VERSION | 0x0002 | Yes | Reports the firmware version of the device. |
DM_CODE | 0x0004 | Yes | Reports the Data Memory Code number stored in NVM. |
PREV_MACWRITE | 0x0007 | Yes | Returns previous MAC command code. |
CHEM_ID | 0x0008 | Yes | Reports the chemical identifier of the battery profile used by the fuel gauge. |
BAT_INSERT | 0x000C | Yes | Forces the Flags() [BAT_DET] bit set when the OpConfig [BIE] bit is 0. |
BAT_REMOVE | 0x000D | Yes | Forces the Flags() [BAT_DET] bit clear when the OpConfig [BIE] bit is 0. |
SET_CFGUPDATE | 0x0013 | No | Forces the CONTROL_STATUS [CFGUPMODE] bit to 1 and the gauge enters CONFIG UPDATE mode. |
SMOOTH_SYNC | 0x0019 | Yes | Synchronizes RemCapSmooth() and FCCSmooth() with RemCapTrue() and FCCTrue() |
SHUTDOWN_ENABLE | 0x001B | No | Enables device SHUTDOWN mode. |
SHUTDOWN | 0x001C | No | Commands the device to enter SHUTDOWN mode |
SEALED | 0x0020 | No | Places the device in SEALED access mode. |
PULSE_SOC_INT | 0x0023 | Yes | Commands the device to toggle the GPOUT pin for 1 ms |
CHEM_A | 0x0030 | No | Dynamically changes existing Chem ID to Chem ID - 3230 |
CHEM_B | 0x0031 | No | Dynamically changes existing Chem ID to Chem ID - 1202 |
CHEM_C | 0x0032 | No | Dynamically changes existing Chem ID to Chem ID - 3142 |
RESET | 0x0041 | No | Performs a full device reset. |
SOFT_RESET | 0x0042 | No | Gauge exits CONFIG UPDATE mode |