15 | SSBC | This bit is set when a bit is set in Safety Status B() or Safety Status C(). |
14 | SSA | This bit is set when a bit is set in Safety Status A(). |
13 | PF | This bit is set when an enabled Permanent Fail fault triggers. |
12 | MSK_SFALERT | This bit is set when a safety alert is triggered that is also enabled in the corresponding Settings:Alarm:SF Alert Mask A, Settings:Alarm:SF Alert Mask B, or Settings:Alarm:SF Alert Mask C register. |
11 | MSK_PFALERT | This bit is set when a Permanent Fail alert is triggered that is also enabled in the corresponding Settings:Alarm:PF Alert Mask A, Settings:Alarm:PF Alert Mask B, Settings:Alarm:PF Alert Mask C, or Settings:Alarm:PF Alert Mask D register. |
10 | INITSTART | Initialization started (sets quickly after device powers up). |
9 | INITCOMP | Initialization completed (sets after the device has powered and completed one measurement scan). |
7 | FULLSCAN | Full Voltage Scan Complete. The necessary multiple ADC scans have been completed to collect the full voltag emeasurement loop data (including cell voltages, pin or thermistor voltages, etc). This bit sets each time a full scan completes (when enabled). |
6 | XCHG | This bit is set when the CHG FET is off. |
5 | XDSG | This bit is set when the DSG FET is off. |
4 | SHUTV | Stack voltage is below Power:Shutdown:Shutdown Stack Voltage. |
3 | FUSE | FUSE Pin Driven. FUSE pin is being driven by either the device or the secondary protector. |
2 | CB | This bit is set when cell balancing is active. |
1 | ADSCAN | Voltage ADC Scan Complete. A single ADC scan is complete (cell voltages are measured on each scan). This bit sets each time a scan completes (when enabled). |
0 | WAKE | This bit is set when the device is wakened from SLEEP mode. |