SLUUCI8 November 2023 BQ76905
Class | Subclass | Name | Type | Min | Max | Default | Unit |
Protections | Current | Overcurrent in Charge Protection Delay | U1 | 0 | 255 | 58 | Varying |
Description: This parameter sets the Overcurrent in Charge Protection delay.
0x00 = Fastest delay (~0.46 ms)
0x01 - 0x40 = 1.22 ms to 20.435 ms in steps of 0.305 ms
0x41 - 0x80 = 22.875 ms to 176.595 ms in steps of 2.44 ms
0x81 - 0xC0 = 181.475 ms to 488.915 ms in steps of 4.88 ms
0xC1 - 0xFF = 498.675 ms to 1103.795 ms in steps of 9.77 ms