SLUUCI8 November 2023 BQ76905
The TS pin on the BQ76905 device can be used for general purpose ADC input (ADCIN) measurement, if not being used for temperature measurement of a thermistor. When used for ADCIN functionality, the internal VREF1 reference is used by the ADC, and the input range of the ADC is limited to 1.8 V. The digital full-scale range of the ADC is effectively 1.6667 × VREF1, which is approximately 2 V during normal operation.
The Settings:Configuration:DA Config[TSMODE] data memory bit controls whether the TS pin is used for a thermistor or as a general purpose ADC input. The resulting measurement of the TS pin is available using the TS Measurement() command in units of 16-bit ADC counts. The LSB size of the ADC counts is given by VREF1 × 5 / 3 / 32768 ≅ 61 μV.