SLUUCY8 December 2023 BQ77307
The BQ77307 uses a special CONFIG_UPDATE mode to make changes to the data memory settings. Note that this mode is not available for device versions programmed and sealed by TI. Changes made to the data memory settings while the normal protection evaluations are in operation can result in unexpected operation or consequences if settings used by the logic changed in the midst of operation. When changes to the data memory settings are needed (which generally is done only on the customer manufacturing line or in an offline condition), the host must:
When in CONFIG_UPDATE mode, the device stops normal operation and stops all protections (the protection subsystem is disabled). The host can then make changes to data memory settings. After changes are complete, the host then sends the 0x0092 EXIT_CFGUPDATE() command, at which point the device restarts normal operation using the new data memory settings. As soon as the device enters CONFIG_UPDATE mode, all protection alerts and status faults are cleared. When the device exits CONFIG_UDPATE mode, it evaluates whether or not any protection faults are present, based on the new settings.