Use the following instructions to evaluate current
limit behavior for input voltages lower than negative bias supply
- Replace the TPS26610 with TPS26613 in U1
- The current limiting behavior is independent of
MODE setting for VIN < –Vs, so jumper setting J4 can be
in any position
- Open jumper J6
- Connect 600 Ω at terminal J3
- Set dual polarity regulated power supply to +20 V
: 0 V : –20 V and apply the power at connector J2
- Apply a voltage of –24 V at I_IN_1
- The device limits the current to 32 mA for
approximately 100 ms and then auto retries for every 800 ms
Figure 5-12 shows current limit behavior captured on the TPS2661EVM with TPS26613 in U1
Figure 5-12 Current Limit Behavior of
TPS26613 for VIN < –Vs