SNAA345 December 2020 LMK5C33216
Wander transfer is determined by the DPLL loop BW and peaking. For Option 1, the DPLL loop bandwidth was set to 10 Hz and for Option 2, the DPLL loop bandwidth was set to 0.1 Hz. Both Option 1 and Option 2 require < 0.2 dB of peaking. The LMK5C33216 meets the requirements for the transfer function of the PLL for EEC Option 1 and Option 2 as shown in Figure 3-2 and Figure 3-3. The results show a close match between expected bandwidth and measured bandwidth on LMK5C33216. For Option 1, the expected bandwidth is 10 Hz and the measured bandwidth is around 10 Hz. For Option 2, the expected bandwidth is 0.1 Hz and the measured bandwidth is around 0.1 Hz.