The LMK04368-EP offers programmable clock output
buffer formats, the evaluation board is shipped with pre-configured output terminations.
Refer to Table 6-1 to see the list of output formats available and what output formats your hardware is
configured for out of the factory.
To measure phase noise at one of the clock outputs
(for example, CLKout0):
- Go to the Clock Outputs page (Section 11.9).
- Uncheck CLKoutX_Y_PD in the Clock
Output box to enable the channel.
- Set the following as needed:
- For Device Clock:
- DCLKX_Y_PD = 0 in Clock Mode Select
- Set Bypass Div (DCLKX_Y_BYP) or Clock Divider
(DCLK0_1_DIV) as desired for device clock
- If bypass mode is set, CLKoutX must be set to a
CML output format. Bypass mode is not available on
- If Clock Divider = 1, then DCLKX_Y_DCC must be
set for clock output.
- Phase of the device clock can be adjusted with:
- Static Digital delay (DCLKX_Y_DDLY) after a SYNC.
Digital Delay (DCLKX_Y_DDLY_PD) must be powered
- Dynamic Digital delay (DDLYdX_EN), then
programming DDLYd_STEP_CNT. Digital Delay
(DCLKX_Y_DDLY_PD) must be powered up. Press the
Send button at top-right of Clock
Outputs window to program the DDLYd_STEP_CNT
field multiple times.
- Half Step bit (DCLKX_Y_HS) if DCC & HS
(DCLKX_Y_DCC) is set.
- The Polarity bit (DCLKX_Y_POL)
- Select the device clock for CLKoutX or CLKoutY
with CLKout#_SRC_MUX = 0 (Device Clock) as
- While the phase noise of a SYSREF Clock is typically not of concern, to configure an output for SYSREF:
- SCLKX_Y_PD = 0 in Clock Mode Select
- Phase of the SYSREF clock can be adjusted:
- Local digital delay can be set with
- Local analog delay can be set by enabling with
ADLY_EN = 1 (SCLKX_Y_ADLY_EN) and then setting
SCLKX_Y_ADLY to the desired time delay.
- Global digital delay can be set with SYSREF_DDLY,
but this delay change will take effect only after
- Enable SYSREF outputs globally. The necessary
bits depend upon the type of SYSREF to be enabled. For a simple continuous SYSREF
(not recommended in final application due to extra power consumption and
crosstalk), set SYSREF_PD = 0, SYSREF_MUX = 0x03 (Continuous), and SYNC_DISSYSREF
= 1.
- Select the SYSREF clock for CLKoutX or CLKoutY
with CLKout#_SRC_MUX = 1 (SYSREF) as desired.
- Depending on the configured output type, the
clock output SMAs can be interfaced to a test instrument
with a single-ended, 50-Ω input as follows:
- For LVDS:
- A balun (like ADT2-1T or a high-quality Prodyn
BIB-100G) is recommended for
differential-to-single-ended conversion.
- A balun can be used, or
- One side of the LVPECL signal can be terminated
with a 50-Ω load and the other side can be run
single-ended to the instrument.
- For HSDS:
- A balun (like ADT2-1T or high-quality Prodyn
BIB-100G) is recommended for
differential-to-single-ended conversion.
- For CML:
- A balun can be used, or
- One side of the CML signal can be terminated with
a 50-Ω load and the other side can be run
single-ended to the instrument.
- Connect the LVCMOS signal to measurement
equipment as desired. If an output of a pair is
not used, TI recommends leaving the output
floating close to the IC. Alternatively, place a
50-Ω termination at the end of an unused
- The phase noise may be measured with a spectrum
analyzer or signal source analyzer.