The Front End Control Module in UCD3138 provides the capability to generate an automated ramp of the DAC set point through hardware. Firmware has the capability to configure the following parameters of the ramp:
- Configurable DAC end value at completion of soft-start or soft-stop ramp
- Configurable DAC step (8.10 format with 10 fractional bits)
- Firmware can program number of switching cycles per DAC step (Configurable from 1-128)
- Configurable number of delay cycles prior to start of ramp (Configurable from 0-65535)
- Ramp can be initiated by one of the following events: firmware start bit, PMBus Control pin, Ramp Delay Completion pulse from another Front End Control Module or Ramp Completion pulse from another Front End Control Module
- Firmware can configure the DAC Saturation Step Size (if EADC is in saturation at time of DAC update, hardware will increment/decrement DAC Value by DAC Saturation Step Size).