3.1.3 Mechanical Isolation
When multiple buttons are present in a system, it is possible for undesirable mechanical interaction between different buttons to occur. For example, when pressing button A, the contiguous metal surface may deform in such a manner that a significant amount of movement occurs over the neighboring button B sensor, and could appear as an unintended button press of button B. The following principles can be applied to reduce the mechanical crosstalk between adjacent buttons during an active press:
- Physical supports between buttons or standoffs can facilitate stronger metal deformation on the button that is pressed, as shown in Figure 5.
- Ensuring a larger physical deflection for the intended button. From an electrical perspective, a large signal-to-noise ratio between a true button press versus an undesired detection is the easiest way to detect the correct button press event. Using thinner metal or selecting materials with a low Young’s modulus ensures that metals are easier to deform and have less impact on the neighboring buttons. For example, aluminum is more flexible than many stainless steel alloys.
- Increasing the distance or adding grooves between adjacent buttons improves mechanical isolation. For cross-talk minimization, button-to-button separation should also be greater than one coil diameter.