The following faults indicate that something is wrong with the system. If only these faults are reported, the system could continue working if the faults
cannot be recovered by the automatic fault recovery mechanism of the chip or the power
cycle of the chip. These include:
- Boost Sync Clock Invalid Faults (BSTSYNC)
- CRC Error Faults (CRCERR)
- LEDSET Resistor Missing Faults (LEDSET)
- MODE Resistor Missing Faults (MODESEL)
- FSET Resistor Missing Faults (FSET)
- ISET Resistor Out of Range Faults (ISET)
- Open LED Faults (OPEN_LED)
- Short LED Faults (SHORT_LED)
- Invalid LED String Faults (INVSTRING)
- I2C timeout Faults (I2C_ERROR)
Remember that the performance of the system will degrade if it keeps working when these
faults are detected, for example:
- System brightness level and uniformity degrade when OPEN_LED or SHORT_LED
faults are detected.
- Some additional EMC noise might be generated when BSTSYNC or FSET faults are
The engineer should decide whether the system could keep working with performance
degradation based on the specified system requirement.