This method controls the output
voltage by an external current injection into the feedback node of the DC/DC buck
converter as shown in Figure 3-3. In this control configuration, the system is:
- Easier to compensate since there
is a fixed output voltage setpoint. The injected current lowers the voltage
regulation point of the DC/DC buck converter from high to low.
- Smaller solution size since there
is no need for additional bottom resistors to configure VOUT.
- The DC gain of the system loop
remains constant throughout the entire typical USB Type-C VOUT range
since the bottom resistor is set and fixed to a single component value. Refer to
Figure 3-4 for the simulated LM61460-Q1 small signal loop response for
the lowest output voltage of 5 V and the highest output voltage of 20 V using
this control method. Note that the loop gain response crosses 0 dB at the same
frequency for different VOUT voltages so the transient loop response
is expected to be similar for all output voltage settings.
Equation 2. 
For this application note, the
current injection control method is used to demonstrate how the LM61460-Q1 and
LM61495-Q1 design examples can be used in an USB Type-C applications. Refer
to SLVA861 for additional reading material using the LM10011 current DAC as the external current injection
Design Procedure for Method 2
- Set the feedback network to
regulate at the highest VOUT. For USB PD 3.0, the highest
VOUT is 20 V. Note that setting the top and bottom resistors
to output the highest VOUT enables a significantly reduced output
capacitance solution that reduces overall solution size and solution cost.
- Set VSET equal to
the feedback reference voltage for zero injection current at the highest
VOUT setting. For the LM61460-Q1 and LM61495-Q1,
VSET is set to 1 V since both DC/DC step down buck converter
has an internal reference voltage (VREF) equal to 1 V.
- Calculate the required
VSET for the desired output voltage regulation point from the
equation shown in Equation 2.
- If a PWM signal followed by
an RC filter is used to produce the DC bias voltage for the external
injection current, it is important to have sufficient attenuation to remove
unwanted ripple. It is recommended to have the corner frequency of RC filter
at least two decade that of the PWM signal to get a 40 dB attenuation and
prevent noise from coupling into the feedback node.