SPRACN3 September 2019 66AK2E05 , 66AK2H06 , 66AK2H12 , 66AK2H14 , 66AK2L06 , AM5K2E02 , AM5K2E04
Boot Utilities are host side utilities included in the package that are used to format the boot image based on the boot mode requirements. The utilities can be located in the package under the path "utils" directory. The following utilities are include in the package.
Usage: byteswapccs <infile> <outfile>
Both <infile> and <outfile> are .ccs files.
Usage: byteswapbin lt;infile> lt;outfile>
Both lt;infile> and lt;outfile> are .bin files.
Usage: catccs <infile1> <infile2> [<infile3> [<infile4> [..]]] [-out <outfile>] [-addr <address>]
<infile1>, <infile2>, <infile3>, <infile4> and <outfile> are .ccs files.
address - load address for the concatenated ccs file.
Usage: ccs2bin [-swap] <ccsfile> <binfile>
<ccsfile> - input .ccs files.
<binfile> - output .bin files.
Usage: b2ccs [-noorg] <hexfile> <ccsfile>
<hexfile> - Hexadecimal blob file.
<ccsfile> - Output .ccs file.
if -noorg is used there is only one header line
Usage: ccsAddGphdr [baseAddress] [-infile <infile>] [-outfile <outfile>] -headerEndian BE
<infile> Input CCS file with no GP header
<outfile> Output CCS file with GP header
headerEndian - Should always be forced to BE (big endian) for LE boot.
Usage ccsAddGptlr [-h] [-infile <infile>] [-outfile <outfile>]
<infile> Input CCS file with no GP trailer
<outfile> Output CCS file with GP trailer
Usage ccspad <infile> <outfile> <pattern> <length>
<infile> Input CCS file of length
<outfile> Output CCS file padded with the <pattern>to size <length>
Under Linux environment, these utilities can be used using a utility called wine, which allows you to run windows utilities in the Linux environment.