SPRACN7 September   2019 TMS320C5517 , TMS320C5517


  1.   C55x CSL Audio Pre-Processing
    1.     Trademarks
    2. 1 Introduction
    3. 2 Requirements
    4. 3 Software Design
      1. 3.1 C5517 Audio Preprocessing TI Design Patch Files
      2. 3.2 More About Processing Algorithms
      3. 3.3 Framework for Audio Pre-Processing
    5. 4 Circular Microphone Board Demo
      1. 4.1 How to Build the Demo
        1. 4.1.1 C5517 EVM
      2. 4.2 How to Run the Demo
        1. 4.2.1 C5517 EVM
    6. 5 How to Evaluate the Demo
      1. 5.1 Use Headphone
      2. 5.2 Record Audio Data Using Adobe Audition
    7. 6 C55x Benchmark
    8. 7 References

How to Evaluate the Demo