1.4 Using the F28004x LaunchPad
The recommended steps for using the F28004x LaunchPad are:
- Follow the README First document included in the kit. The README First document helps you run the LaunchPad. Within just a few minutes, you can control and monitor the F28004x LaunchPad with the pre-programmed quick start application. Additionally, Section A.1, the FAQ section included in this document can be helpful if there are any issues that might quickly be addressed.
- Experiment with BoosterPacks. This development kit conforms to the latest revision of the BoosterPack pinout standard. It has two independent BoosterPack connections to enable a variety of expansion opportunities. For more information about the TI LaunchPad and BoosterPack standard, see the TI LaunchPad web page at http://www.ti.com/launchpad.
- Take the first step towards developing your own control applications. The F28004x LaunchPad is supported by the C2000Ware development package. After C2000Ware is installed, look for f28004x\examples\launchpad in the installation directory. You can find pre-configured example applications for this board as well as for this board with selected BoosterPacks. Any of the other examples found withing the f28004x\examples directory can be used with minor modifications to run on the LaunchPad as well. For more details about software development, see Section 3.
- Customize and integrate the hardware to suit your end application. This development kit can be used as a reference for building your own custom circuits based on C2000 Piccolo Series microcontrollers or as a foundation for expansion with your custom BoosterPack or other circuits. This document can serve as a starting point for this endeavor.
- Get Trained. You can also download hours of written and video training materials on this and related LaunchPads. For more information, visit the C2000 Real-Time Control MCUs - Support & Training page.