The F28388D controlCARD supports USB host/device connectivity. However, the micro-USB port, J3, is not isolated from the board ground. Care should be taken when this controlCARD is being used in a high-power application and this USB port is also being used. Note that external USB isolation buffers may be required for these types of applications.
The F28388D Experimenter’s Kit ships with a USB cable and is designed to be powered via USB. However, in extreme cases the board/controlCARD may require more power than the 5 V @ 500 mA (USB 3.0 - 900 mA) that a computer’s USB port can provide. This is especially true when additional circuitry has been added to the docking station. In such cases, it is recommended to use an external 5 V power supply (2.5 mm inner diameter x 5.5 mm outer diameter) and plug it into J1. A compatible supply such as:
Phihong PSAC05R-050(P)-R-C2 + Phihong RPBAG
By default in Boot-from-SCI mode, the MCU will now expect GPIO28 and GPIO29 to be the IO pins responsible for sending the program to the device. The default GPIOs were different on other C2000 devices. These new GPIOs are connected to the isolated USB-to-serial interface via the FTDI chip.
R98 on the controlCARD is populated to allow a customer to evaluate the controlCARD without a baseboard, if desired. Because R98 is populated, the controlCARD will have more capacitance on the USB 5 V supply than the USB specification allows. R98 should be removed in order to meet the specification.