Certain board revisions are known to have specific hardware issues.
- Daughterboard external precision R resistor R6, which is not populated by default, must not be
populated to avoid spurious illegal ISR entries. This is applicable to all
revisions in which R6 (connected to GPIO19) is present, as well as to any and
all designs which utilize the external R functionality.
- Board revision E1 has the following issues. Later board revisions, such as revision A, do not
have these issues.
- Known Hardware Issues
- Resistor R108 is
known to have a value of 2.4kΩ. This is incorrect, and should be
1kΩ. This causes the OCP limit of the external OCP circuit to
increase from the designed value (~9.42A) to approx. 21A.
- In this revision,
J14 (motor temp external sensor connector) is present, and J14
(Isolated UART connector) is not. To utilize the UART signals on
J17, an external isolator must be used.
- Known Software Issues
- If motor startup
is failing repeatedly, it may be necessary to adjust the hal.h
file as follows:
- Set each instance of ..._IU_... to ..._IW_... and
vice-versa, beginning at the definition of
MTR1_IU_ADC_BASE (which becomes MTR1_IW_ADC_BASE) and
ending at the definition of MTR1_IW_XBAR_MUX (which
becomes MTR1_IU_XBAR_MUX).
- Additionally, MTR1_CMPSS_U_BASE must be swapped with