SPRZ171T December 2004 – September 2020 SM320F2801-EP , SM320F2808-EP , TMS320F2801 , TMS320F2801-Q1 , TMS320F28015 , TMS320F28016 , TMS320F28016-Q1 , TMS320F2802 , TMS320F2802-Q1 , TMS320F2806 , TMS320F2806-Q1 , TMS320F2808 , TMS320F2808-Q1 , TMS320F2809 , TMS320F2809-Q1
ADC: ADC Inaccuracy at Low Frequencies
0, A on F2809 silicon
0, A on C280x silicon
0, A, B, C on F2801, F2802, F2806, F2808, and F2801x silicon
At ADCCLK frequencies of less than 1 MHz, the ADC may give inaccurate results on some devices. The inaccuracy will be worse at cold temperature. Small ACQPS settings (less than 3) are more likely to show the inaccuracy.
Operate ADCCLK at 1 MHz or above.
There is no performance improvement gained by operating the ADCCLK at low frequencies. It is recommended that ADCCLK be set at the maximum value specified in the data sheet or down to one-half the maximum value specified in the data sheet.