SPRZ193T January 2003 – December 2023 SM320F2812 , SM320F2812-EP , SMJ320F2812 , TMS320F2810 , TMS320F2810-Q1 , TMS320F2811 , TMS320F2811-Q1 , TMS320F2812 , TMS320F2812-Q1
WD: WDFLAG Bit Does Not Work as Intended
0, A, B, C, D, E, F and G
The WDFLAG bit in F281x devices cannot be used to reliably distinguish a watchdog-initiated reset from a power-on (or warm) reset. This is because the device expects the XRS pin to be pulled high (by the external reset circuit) within 4 SYSCLKOUT cycles (8 OSCLK cycles at power up) after the end of the watchdog-initiated reset pulse, which is 512 OSCCLK cycles. Most of the external XRS circuits cannot provide the fast rise time requirement (due to the capacitance); therefore, the WDFLAG bit should not be used in applications.
None. This bit should not be used.