SPRZ398K November 2012 – September 2024 DRA745 , DRA746 , DRA750 , DRA756
PCIe TXP Output Drives 1/2 Amplitude for Some Data Bits
Some data patterns result in PCIe TXP transmit data output being driven only to half amplitude. This causes significant eye diagram marginality in both Gen1 and Gen2.
Gen1 meets basic electrical requirements and loopback is functional. However, functional issues have been observed with external devices (failure to get into L0 state). Gen2 does not meet basic electrical requirements and is not functional.
None. Gen1 loopback may be used for development, but is not guaranteed to meet functional compliance.
SR 1.0
TDA2x: 1.0
DRA75x, DRA74x: 1.0
AM572x: 1.0