SPRZ452I july 2018 – may 2023 AM6526 , AM6528 , AM6546 , AM6548
MSMC: MSMC Scrubber Only Targets Bottom 16 of 32 Ways of SRAM/L3$
MSMC Scrubber periodically scans through MSMC SRAM/L3$, Snoop Filter, and Tags for correctable 1-bit errors and then corrects them. This is to reduce the probability of multiple 1-bit errors accumulating over time and becoming non-correctable 2-bit errors.
Due to an error in the address decoding, MSMC Scrub transactions only access the lower half of the L3$ Tag ways (0-15). Ways 16-31 are never accessed. The corresponding L3$ Data RAMs will also not be accessed by Scrubber.
Customers will see an increase in probability of accumulating 2-bit detectable/non-correctable errors in upper half (upper 16 ways) of MSMC L3$ Tag and corresponding Data.
This issue does not affect the MSMC SRAM and only applies to L3 Cache.
There is no complete software workaround.
Software can attempt to periodically flush the L2$ to allow MSMC EDC to be refreshed. This is not a complete workaround, however, since Arm® can silently evict cache lines without alerting MSMC.