SPRZ455D december 2020 – june 2023 DRA829J , DRA829J-Q1 , DRA829V , DRA829V-Q1 , TDA4VM , TDA4VM-Q1
PCIe: Lock up may occur if link down event happens during non-posted command
VBUSM target interface in the PCIe subsytem may lock up if the following sequence of events happen:
When this sequence happens, the PCIe logic registers incorrect tag for the new request. When completion for the new request comes back, it is checked with respect to this incorrect tag and hence completion will not be accepted. PCIe logic will keep indefinitely waiting for completion with this incorrect tag. This leads to a lock up and VBUSM interface read command will never complete.
Probability of occurrence for this lock up is low because this requires link down event to propagate through internal logic and be captured during the same clock cycle as non-posted transaction is initiated.